痣癦都是色素細胞聚集過多形成,無特定形狀,大小不同,而且顏色會出現深淺之分。痣墨可以出現在皮膚任何地方,如頭皮、手指、腳底 、甚至指甲下。
Mole is a common type of growth on the skin. They often appear as small, dark brown spots and are caused by clusters of pigmented cells.

Detailed Analysis
Mole is examined for the following characteristics: colour, depth, position. Age and skin type are also taken into consideration for wavelength selection.

Bespoke Wavelengths
Select the appropriate wavelength of laser that can treat the lesions effectively without affecting the surrounding skin. Lesions of various sizes and colours (including clear moles) and of all skin types can be treated.


Ultra Pulse 超脈衝 CO2 二氧化碳激光脫癦痣療程
Precisely vaporise/coagulate the pigmented tissue.At the same time, the burst of energy can selectively destroy pigments. Phagocytosis is subsequently triggered and the pigments are packaged for lymphatic drainage, leading to lightening of the mole.
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